Please note that I have stopped actively maintaining this site and you may not receive a response to e-mail.
I have tired of
answering the same sorts of questions over and over again, much as I appreciate
your input.
Everything you
might want to know about why I made the choices I made with this project is
available on the site in the supplementary documents. Please read them before
e-mailing me with questions, as I will not respond to questions that are
answered on the site.
I have gotten what I wanted out of this project, and I have left
this website standing so that it can continue to find and entertain new
visitors, but life is too short to put any more energy into this than I already
I appreciate your interest and thank you for visiting.
No abusive, profane or otherwise impolite e-mail is wanted.
P.S. Since I
won’t be maintaining this site actively, you may want to copy or mirror any
material that you like, as I will have no way of remounting the site if it
becomes ‘troubled’ or if my service provider pulls the plug!
Here’s my
goodbye bonus – 6 new images. Enjoy! J